Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pups: Week 2

Well, we are back into these weekly pictures of the puppies again. Even if you get bored of the same ole puppies, week after week, I know you appreciate being able to count on at least one blog post a week for the next 7 weeks. 😉
Really not much to report on the pups yet-they are just sluggards, both in shape and in attitude, although their eyelids are finally thinking about starting to part. With them being what I thought was overdue, I thought they'd open their eyes a little earlier than this. Looking at pictures from her last litter, they were fully 2 weeks old before their eyes started opening as well. 
I am expecting blue eyes in this litter, so I'm excited for those eyes to open! With the last blue eyed pup, Jake, I could tell at 3 weeks old that he had a blue eye.  







Knox. Knox is definitely rough coated. I originally thought Ticonderoga might be too and still, maybe he is, or at least medium coat, but Knox is obviously much longer haired already. Lee might be longer haired too. 



  1. Replies
    1. Of course. With a little imagination anything can think, talk, and be stubborn or stupid.
