Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Monday, June 25, 2018

Late Post

 I call this a late post because I took most of these pictures almost two weeks ago(a few hours after I posted my last post) but just never posted them. 
I got a new camera for my birthday, so almost all pictures from here on out will be taken with it. It is a Canon Rebel T6.

Sadie is gone. She was 14.5 years old. Nobody except the mail lady and other people who regularly came to the front door really loved her, but as a constant fixture on the farm for almost as long as I remember, she will be missed. We had a lot of fun together when I was 6-12 years old; trike-joring, the jumping portion of agility, running away once, digging after mice in the fields, picnics, and more, until I got goats and other dogs, at which point Sadie just became a fixture, essentially. Her favorite thing to do was "help" us train our puppies and young dogs by attempting(and often succeeding, which wasn't helping us train any!) to lead them out through the fields or down the roads on walks. It was terribly aggravating, and she did it up until 3 weeks ago, but hey, it sure proofed our recalls with the dogs! (Except for when they actually got away and we were helpless to do anything until they made up their minds to come back because we couldn't find hide nor hair of them. :/  )

Minx, who is turning out absolutely beautifully! 

We've been having the most gorgeous sunsets these days, however, a camera can never hope to capture the stunning-ness of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, ole Sadie.
    Beautiful picture of the sunset anyway! I’ve learned to just be thankful to witness them and not stress if pictures don’t turn out.
