Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Monday, June 17, 2019

Idaho Again

 I trotted on back to ID last week to bring Jasper to a trainer. The trainer really likes him and what is funny is that he was going to buy Jasper as a puppy, but his wife told him they needed a female pup instead. They are really nice folks and I look forward to seeing Jasper's progress!

I stayed at Katrina's this time, and both Katrina and I took our dogs with on the trip up to the trainer's place. Well actually, one of Katrina's dogs was at a different trainer along the way, so we picked her up on our way there. I don't have any pictures of Jasper-didn't think to get any before I dropped him off! 

Unposed shot. 

We were comparing the condition of our dogs' pawpads. Last time I was there Jinger could barely walk or work because she was limping on the goat heads so badly, but this time she was acting like nothing and poor ol' Kayda could barely move. It must be me taking the dogs on runs on pavement lately that hardened Jinger's pads up. 

"Please, just leave my paws alone."

Katrina's other dog, Evie, on the ground, then Kayda and Jinger on the bench. 

Katrina and Kayda. 

Jinger and I.



Pretty Kayda!

Thanks for the fun times, Katrina and family, and good luck with Kayda! She's a great little dog, and it'll be fun to work dogs together again before too long!


  1. We had SO much fun!! Thanks for letting me come along and talk your ear off
