Soooo, we can buy as many as we sell, right? I think I was told it works that way. 😉
When I knew Jasper wasn't gonna work out, I started looking for another male. I got on the list for an extremely nice cross, with a lot of signs pointing that it was the correct next step. That dog had one deformed pup and it died.
I got on another list in January, and could have gotten one of those pups but found out that a buddy in The Dalles was getting a male from that litter. I decided I should probably just get a different cross, because I can use that buddy's male for breeding if he turns out working wise.
I moved to a different litter from the same breeder, and that female had her pups prematurely and they died.
I decided I wanted a pup from a certain male whom I really like, so I got on that guy's list, back in April. That dog had 1 dead puppy. Ugh!
I got on a different breeder's list, who had used the above male on one of his females-everything finally went well, and I brought that pup home.
Meet Clark. My first rough coat since the days of Kate! I’m also quite hopeful that he will be a gorgeous prick eared dog, too. He is an absolute gem, I daresay the best pup I've ever raised. Plenty of spice, but plenty ready to sit in your lap for a cuddle, too. I've never seen him actually scared, and he loooves everyone. If he doesn't turn out, I am very seriously considering giving up in my quest for a nice working male for breeding, and just keep him as a pet.
Not quite in chronological order, but I'd kind of forgotten about Dice. Back in the beginning of March when I was looking for another male, a buddy of mine had a really nice breeding planned. I asked her if I could get on the list, but she said it was full. However, a week or so later, she contacted again and said someone had an older pup out of the same female that they were needing to sell. I saw some videos of him and really liked him, and bought him. He was in SD so I arranged with Uncle Mark to board him for me until I could find transport. I quickly found a ride for him, but they canceled at the last second, leaving Dice stranded. I couldn't find other transport for him so I didn't get him until the middle of April when my cousin brought him for me. In the meantime, I'd kinda forgotten I owned him and reserved Clark, too. In the unlikely event that they both turn out, I guess I'll just have to decide who I like better.
Dice seems to be a really nice dog, but has some quirks about him which is making him a bit hard to train so far. I am finally making some progress though, just having to learn new ways to get into his head. Every time I work him I get more hopeful that he is going to be “the one.”
When I ended up selling both Sara and Liz, I started wondering if maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring in a different bloodline of females and see if I like what they produce for pups better. Dice's dam line seems to be a very good producing line, so I decided to try my luck on that one.
Taz is a full sister to Dice's mom. She's nice, but not overly friendly, and is more timid than I want. She seems to really want to work so far, so we'll see how she turns out. She's bit of a hard nut to crack, in the same way that Dice is. Dice and Taz kinda have their own minds, and I have to find a way to convince them that what I want them to do is either in their best interest, or as it relates to Dice working stock, a more efficient path to accomplishing the end goal. I do kind of like am trying to come to terms with the fact that they are thinkers though, and not impulsive-kinda like me, they have to be shown the "why" of things, instead of just blindly doing them because someone says so.
And then, Jinger had puppies again. She had 4 girls and 3 boys this time around. As always, she is a great mom and the pups are *ahem,* plump. All of the pups are sold, besides who I’m keeping.
I still haven't decided on a name for this one, but leaning strongly towards Pepper.
Rose. She is my favorite female.
Winston is my favorite pup of the entire litter.
Keep them coming! Need to update " about me"