Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


 After all winter of balmy temperatures and lots of sun, winter suddenly hit last week. We got hit with around 2 feet of snow, -4 degrees some nights: the whole works. I had to reschedule Mac's flight for next week, and I don't know yet if Gizmo is going this week still or not. 
I didn't get any just scenery pictures, just pictures of the dogs playing in it. 


Jasper looks to be a prick eared dog! My favorite! His right ear is always up nowadays, and though his left ear struggles, it does go up quite often. 

I tried getting some good pictures of the other dogs, but this is all I was able to capture.

1 comment:

  1. We got around 2 feet of snow too! You're puppies are adorable and I can tell that they are much bigger than when we saw them. I especially like Jasper's ears, and Jinger and Flint look like they were having a blast in the snow! I hope that Mac and Gizmo get shipped out safely.
