Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Friday, September 13, 2019

Dog Overload!

Pups are almost 9 weeks old and I still have every one of them. I didn't think it would make a difference but I've had a ton of interest in females, and not males. I've had some serious interest but for various reasons none have gone through. Now that they aren't tiny puppies anymore, I have way too many dogs!

But first, TVBDITW

Liz is mostly great with the pups.


Lee. His right ear has started to go crazy. First it was doing what you see below, and now it has fallen forward over his eye. 


Carlos. He's an aggressive jerk to his siblings, and frankly, I don't like him.


Mifflin-sometimes I call him Snifflin-Mifflin, but he's not a sniffler. He's the go getter, tough, crazy one of the bunch.

Sara, AKA Sass Pants. She might be the best/most fun pup I've raised to date. Totally fearless, this one-I have to be her fear response and rescue her from the big cow pen oftentimes. She's not shown much herding instinct yet, but loves running up with her tail whipping, and lick the faces of all the critters-even the big cows, which I won't let her do. Riding in Bobcats and on side-by-sides-no biggie. "I'm a big dog," she says. "I'm sitting in the back with the big dogs, not on the seat with you."

I entered a cowdog trial for September 5th, and on the morning of the 4th, Jinger gave herself a tidy little cut, I think on the hay grapple. The vet was okay with me still going, and just recommended that we put staples in it for extra stability. It went fine, but then when we got home... 

...she decided to rip most of the stitches and staples out. I didn't want to take her in for an emergency visit on Saturday evening to get it fixed, so I did the below. It had already stuck pretty well and when the butterfly bandaids wouldn't stick, I just let it be-it seems to be fine.

I have a bunch more to update ya'll on, but I don't have the pictures for the posts yet. For all you bleeding hearts who check my blog every day and sob when I still haven't posted, I will put this one live and put the other updates in a new post. 


  1. Thanks for posting! I love Jingey! Sara sounds like a fun pup!

  2. I'm one of those bleeding hearts and still am
