Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dogs, Puppies, and Kids.

First off, here's a picture of "Old Beater," just because she hardly ever makes it on my blog. Yes, she's still kicking, and pooping all over the driveway-I'm getting sick of trying, and failing, to remember to clean it up until someone else in the family gets irritated about it and reminds me.  
Other than that, she barks at everything, gets in the way, and generally bumbles around and makes nobody any more fond of her than they originally were. Except for when she's sleeping, and that's a majority of the time. Oh well, I guess it doesn't hurt anything, and she is kinda sweet if you actually take the time to scratch her behind the ears. Everyone who regularly comes to our house(i.e. UPS, mail lady, etc.) always has treats for her, and just love her. 


I attempted to take some pictures of my puppies today. Joy(formerly Zephyrine, but the buyer changed it) is a noisy spitfire, who isn't scared of much in life, and wouldn't stay where she was supposed to be for pictures. She kept running away, and then yelling and screaming because she was lost. 
Brittany grabbed her and tossed her back in bed for me.


She was miffed.

And promptly jumped back out and ran away again. 

Eventually, I did get this picture of her. 

Loki spent most of the time with his face shoved in a corner, sucking on the fleece of the bed. Joy did try that out for a few seconds but quickly decided she was too smart for that nonsense and scrambled out and chased Bonny around, trying to get the real stuff. 

Loki. I'm pretty positive that both of these puppies are red tri-colors! See the light brown on the side of his face? That, and on the underside of the tail are generally where it starts.

Bonny had 9 puppies on January 18th-5 males, and 4 females. 

My girls. Hey, looky-Jinger is very nearly as big as Kate!

Out of focus, but these are their crazy faces, that they put on when we play fetch.

Kate's favorite way to carry the toy is over her head with her eyes peeking out through the center.  Jinger says "No pictures, just let me have the toy!" 

Molly had doe/buck twins yesterday! They are unnamed, which is unusual for me-I usually have a big list of names ready and waiting, but this year I have none.
 They are Mr. Black's only kids this year, and I thought I'd get some black kids, but nope, greedy Molly put her big stamp on both of them. 
I was surprised when Mom told me, this morning, that they needed some selenium because their back pasterns are wanting to bend backwards. Since we started them on this new mineral in 2016, we've had not selenium issues in kids or adults. I think the cause may be that Molly is a loner, and prefers to stay in the upper barn, instead of going down to the main barn, with the rest of the herd, to get minerals. We'll see how the rest of this year's kids turn out, I guess. 

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