Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Friday, August 23, 2019

Spoiled Puppy, Brilliant Blue Eyes, and Rough Coats

 The puppies will be 6 weeks old on Sunday. They are getting very active, noisy, and naughty, and I am ready for them to go, LOL. 

I've been spoiling Sara rotten already-I couldn't really do this with the last litter, because I didn't know which female I would be keeping. Coming with me milking, doing chores, etc. she is very confident and happy, which I love. She was the first pup to respond/come to my voice, is still the best at it, and seems to like to hang out with me more than the other pups do. (That last could just be because I spoil her so much, who knows.) She has been stepped on by goats a couple of times in the midst of chores, but after a few seconds of scared sulking, she's back out and racing around again. 
She has now decided that it's easier to submit to her bigger brothers than to try and fight them.

Knox. He's still a very adventurous pup, and is the only puppy that I've not seen get upset with Liz's rough playing-she drags him around by the scruff, rolls on him, etc. until I make her stop, but he doesn't seem to mind one speck.

Long haired Lee is still a naughty little pup, who can really, really get riled up, almost to the point of being scary. Sometimes I gotta give him a spanking to get him settled down.

Grizzy is the timid pup of the litter, and the cry baby. Oh boy, can he be loud! He's one of the friendlier pups.

Carlos is a very well balanced pup, neither very bold or very timid, and not overly friendly, nor overly shy.

Ty has turned out to be long haired as well! He's gonna be a stunner when he gets older! He is a very lazy, fat pup. 

Mifflin was the first to open his eyes, walk, etc. etc. He is over the top extreme, and you can't wear this pup out. See his tongue? I tried. His turn was supposed to be before Ty's, but he just wouldn't stop running and being crazy, so I put him somewhere else to run and be crazy, hoping he'd be worn out by the time I got back to him. He wasn't. High drive sums up this pup.

In other news... 

Jasper is home! 
I really wanted to go get him myself, not only because going to visit dog people is fun, but also because I wanted to learn how to "drive" him the way the trainer has "programed" him to run. I had made the mistake of taking a long chore job in August, and couldn't leave to go get him, so ended up arranging with Aaron to pick him up, as he and Chad went out on a hunting trip in that direction.
We got off to a rough start, but are figuring out how to work together, and last night's session went really well! He also helped me capture a goat that didn't want to come for milking this morning, and looked really cool while doing it. 

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