Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sultan Kids! Snoopy Dog, and Chickens

Marion, our first doe bred to Sultan this year, had twin does on Sunday! Sultan has left his usual stamp on them, in terms of conformation, color, and markings. These kids have legs as long as spiders, which I find interesting. Though Marion has extremely long legs, none of her kids ever have until now. 

Following the same theme I used on her kids last year, this is Susan. 

And this cuter one with wattles is Rilla.

The older babies.

 I went through several names before finally coming to the correct one for this doe. Based on her color, I first I thought it was Angel Food Cake, then Creme Brulee, before deciding it must be a Lavender Meringue. I wasn't quite content with that, but I was sick of fooling around. Then I saw a picture of a Pavlova, and knew that's what she was reminding me of the entire time! So Pavlova she is! 
She is an extremely sweet and quiet little doe out of Eclipse.

Little Pixie. She is proving to be more standoffish, like her parents, rather than taking after her sweet and friendly grandma, Flicka, like I hoped she would. 

Kaapo and Pixie.

I was doing something in the barn after feeding the kids and heard a strange noise. I looked to see Jinger standing on top of a crate and snooping in a barrel of leashes and collars. What on earth could she be after? 

Oh yeah. Shoulda known. 😒 Brittany, I assume you put it there to hide it from Betsy-Jasper stole it and ran off I got this picture, so I'm not sure where it is now. 

This is an interesting little hen!

My Lavender Orpingtons are extremely pretty, especially the roosters, but due to lack of production I'm getting rid of them. 


  1. I enjoy hearing the names - seems like a kinda fun thing to do! Tara

  2. Sultan's kids are adorable! Rilla has especially pretty markings. Pavlova looks similar to one of our kids we had this year. Jinger is very smart to find her ball.

  3. 'Atta girl Jinge!! ��

  4. Pavlova is such a fun name! Have you ever made pavlova? I haven't. I'm just curious. ;)

    We used to have a few goats (just for eating brush) We don't anymore, but we really should get some more.

    1. Hi Emily! I'm glad you found my blog without much trouble! :) I haven't, but the picture I saw was on a healthy pavlova recipe that my sister tried making a few weeks ago. :)

  5. Pavlova..what a cutie! (and pavlova is also yummy!)
