It seems that my blog and YouTube channel have gone to the dogs. Well, that's because my life has gone to the dogs-literally. It has been a slow winter with very little winter struggle as it has barely even frozen and hasn't snowed, and with me having so many dogs right now(11!) I've thrown myself into them. Once goats start kidding, chicks and ducklings start hatching, etc. we will have more variety once again.
It is 47 degrees here today and the sun is brightly shining, so I was able to get a lot of pictures without my hands freezing off.
The best dog ever.
The best dog ever has always had a hard time playing with other dogs without becoming possessive over toys, but though I still have to manage it, it is all almost gone now. I just have to watch when play starts getting rough, etc. and have her chill at times.
Sometimes she won the tug-o-war, and sometimes she lost and had to go find another toy.
Side note: see that cat in the background? He is looking miffed because Jinger took that toy out from under him. He's so strange, always hanging out in the middle of the dogs' battlefield, monkeying around with everything in sight, and tackling the dogs if they come too near him. The only dog that has tackled him back is Betsy, and they had a nice little game of wrestle. I'm very proud of our dogs for being so tolerant and gentle to cats.
Jinger may have found another toy, but she really wants that one back and makes a quick pass, seeing if she can snatch it back yet.
The boys haven't given it up yet though... she finds herself a bone.
My boys.
And somehow Jasper got Jinger's bone now.
The puppies are 6 weeks old and had a busy week! We've been going on walks almost every day, the ones that want to can come with while I do chores, they got totally weaned, got their first vaccines, deworming and coccidia control treatments, the females got swabbed for a genetic disease, and they all got to see ducks. Most of them looked really good for 6 weeks old, and I was very impressed. I will put them again on Monday and Wednesday and send the videos to the puppy buyers so that they can pick their pups. I pretty much know which one I will keep-if the stud owner doesn't take her.
They are all good sized pups at around 7 pounds.
Liz is a very laid back puppy, who is pretty confident and brave.
Tucker is more energetic but had no interest in the ducks, and rather, a whole lot of fear of the ducks.
Foxy has always been the "crazy" one, but the last few days is suddenly pretty timid. She also was very scared of the ducks-even more so than Tucker.
I've always thought gentle, sweet Jake is a special pup, and he showed that on the ducks as well.
Timid little Mac surprised me by being very good on the ducks as well!
But even more timid Peggy surprised me even more! She was great! And I really like how her ears are already starting to stand!
Gizmo and Tucker switched roles yesterday. Gizmo is more timid in general, while Tucker is more bold. But on ducks, Gizmo was one of the better pups overall, whereas, as mentioned before, Tucker was freaked. Gizmo was in the first wave of pups, and when his turn was over, sat by the fence and yipped and yelped, biting and scratching the fence, trying to get back in and have another go at them ducks.
Little Suzie was my favorite on the ducks-but then, she's my favorite overall anyways, so that may have been biased.
This was after they were done-they wanted back in so bad! I love these good signs of their great instincts!
Love the pic of Jasper and Flint! Cute puppies!