Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Finally Healed, and More!

Hey! It's been awhile! We have finally had some new happenings on the place-enough for a blog post even. 

First off, Jinger is all healed up finally! "Wait", says you, "I thought she was healed up over a month ago?" Yes, but that was her first injury-her first time back on the cows, she got smashed again and sprained her CCL, which is the equivalent to the ACL in humans. I was super bummed because she had already been laid off for so long, and I had just the day before sent in my registration for a stockdog clinic on October 13th, that her breeder is putting on. After some research, I had decided that, if she was totally healed 2 weeks before the clinic, we would still go. And as of today, she has been running around with absolutely no sign of injury-exactly 2 weeks before the clinic! So, barring anything else, we will be going to that-and I'm not working her until then!!! What gets her hurt is that she a.) runs underneath cows to bite them, or b.) will pursue and keeping biting until she gets into a mess and gets some sense knocked into her. I'm sure the clinician will help me with getting clean, quick bites, and getting her under control, which will help prevent further injuries. 

Wanting the ball that Betsy is playing with. 

Jinger loves to bite the jet from sprinklers. I don't encourage this, because Jinger is bordering on obsessive behaviors all the time with no encouragement, and without the ton of self control we've worked on, could easily become a very neurotic dog that chases/bites everything from flames to rototillers. However, I realized today that how over the top she gets is exactly what happens with the cows. So, I spent a few minutes, telling her to get it, and then telling her to stop and really getting after her when she didn't. I think maybe this would be able to carry over into cattle work, but I don't know if I'm gonna do it anymore. Like I said, I never(except for today, obviously) encourage behaviors like this from her.


 Besty-doodle and Jingie. Can you guess which one has been on crate rest/limited activity for 11 weeks? 😒

  Random, but a pheasant rooster was trotting around our yard the other day.

This little goat is here for breeding to one of our bucks.  

After being here for a month with no signs on heat, I asked Mom to ultrasound her. Unfortunately she is pregnant, and not to one of our bucks-she was evidently bred before she got here. It's a bummer for the owners who were so excited and drove 4 hours to bring her. 
But our first goat ultrasound of the year! It's so exciting to get this window into the formerly unknown, and see these babies!

We have three top knot chicks, and those top knots are getting quite large!

Kittens! They are ready to go to new homes now!


Chubby little Mike Mulligan.

I changed my mind on which one I'm keeping-I decided to keep this long haired male kitten. He doesn't have a name yet, but is called Mr. Fluff for now.

 Mike Mulligan, again. He's the whiny-baby of the bunch, but is a super nice little kitten.

 That's all for now! Hopefully I will have exciting news and updated pictures of Amelia's puppies next time!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh my.. if I could put a dozen laughing/crying faces, I would! That picture of Jinger and Betsy! I'm a little afraid Jinge is going to jump out of the screen at me! LOL
