Duke and Meyla

Duke and Meyla

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Vlog #3-Leash Walking and Town

I brought Kate to The Dalles on Saturday.  I needed to meet a goat person and give him some supplies. I was a bit early, so I stopped by the farmer's market for five minutes, then went to Coastal. Kate waited quietly while I talked to the person I was meeting, and didn't jump on me or him, or whine for attention. By the time I got done, she was just laying there, watching people go by. She also met lots of people and showed me that she wasn't scared of them at all, didn't even noticed when I walked her right past a big, noisy, fan that was on the floor, and gave me great focus, even when other people were near and she wanted to go see them. 

At Petco, she did great as well. She only saw two tiny dogs that were smaller than she was, and wasn't scared of them. (No wonder) However, she very quickly became tired, and laid down and went to sleep whenever I stopped to look at anything. I decided then that I wouldn't tour the whole store, but just get some training treats and leave. After I got done selecting my merchandise, Kate was zonked out, and wouldn't wake up. I dragged her a couple inches, but she wouldn't move. I felt sorry for her and picked her up, and carried her to the checkout counter. She hung limp over my arm, still sleeping, with her paws twitching as she dream, or whatever dogs are doing when they sleep. I hauled her out to the car, and she slept the whole way home, and continued sleeping in the backyard when we got home. 


  1. Musta been all the mental stimulation- didn't know dogs would do that!

  2. I know-I loving this age, when I can exercise her for five minutes, and she sleeps for an hour! :) Kailey

  3. I agree with Kate, town is exhausting.
